“Money is the root of all evil!”
Does that statement, or any of the following statements match your beliefs? “Having a lot of money is a big responsibility; If I am rich, everyone will want something from me; The thought of a lot of money scares me.” If any of those beliefs line up with your thinking habits (conscious thoughts or subconscious thoughts), you keep money ~ and all forms of abundance (health, love, comforts, adventures, education, opportunities, etc.) from being attracted to you. You actually repel money away from your magnetic energy field by attracting reasons to be afraid of wealth. For example: If I’m vibrating a negative money energy, out to the Law of Attraction (a measurable, quantum electromagnetic field everywhere in the Universe), I will ATTRACT more shortage in my life. I’ll miss the opportunities that show up through my self-sabotage. I’ll loose money or fail to collect money due to me. Things will break due to my incoherent thinking (negative energy fogs up your clarity). On goes the list of ways you will attract scarcity around money if you see money as evil or scary. I love to teach my clients how to release resistance and attract money. But first, I make be sure they are in alignment with allowing an abundance of money into their life. I used to be scared of being wealthy, yet I wasn’t even aware of that belief swirling around in my subconscious mind. That thought ran in the background, like a naughty child, stirring up trouble while I wasn’t even noticing. I went for years as an adult, working as hard as I could to acquire wealth, yet I always seemed to be just getting by. I had lots of stuff, but I didn’t have a lot of cash readily available. Chasing. Chasing. Onward I struggled to get ahead in what I thought was a sincere attempt to become financially comfortable. I ended up with multiple companies, multiple rental investments, and multiple degrees all in the struggle to get ahead financially. Even though I had all this money coming in, it was going out just as fast. I was on a continuous treadmill with my money concerns. Money came in. Money went out. Bills came in. Bills went out. I kept getting more stuff everywhere I looked. Except in my savings account. I cut back on spending. I cut back on adventures. I cut back on playtime. And still, no money left over each month. My conscious, thinking mind would ask, “What is it going to take to get ahead?” No answer. Again I would ask, “What is it going to take to get ahead?” No response. All the while, that naughty child, named My Limiting Belief, secretly kept up it’s mischief in my subconscious mind. It wasn’t until my career started to make a quantum leap and I could see the possibility of a lot of money coming my way, that I discovered this fear. When I would contemplate becoming wealthy, I noticed being nervous. Finally, after weeks of contemplating fortune and continuing to come up nervous (and I’m not a nervous person most of the time), I had to stop and take note. I thought, “I’ve worked so hard to get to this point. Why do I feel more fear than excitement at the prospect of plenty of money?” I soon discovered, I’m not alone. I’ve worked with thousands of people through my tax practice and in speaking to audiences. I had no idea so many people were stopping themselves from attracting wealth by holding onto their resistance to money. Money Can Be Spiritual Too, By Allowing More Service. The More You Have the Bigger Difference You Can Make. Let me ask you, would you donate money if you were wealthy? Do you now? The truth is, the majority of the donations that support non-profits are from rich people. Not evil people. Rich people. Where did we, as a global society, decide that money is the root of all evil? Who started that false rumor? I recall hearing that at church as a child. I didn’t hear it from my parents, but I did also hear it in my community. That phrase, money is the root of all evil, was tossed around and as easily accepted as someone saying it’s a nice day out. Our world accepted this and didn’t really question it. It does serve some purpose: It gets some rich people to donate out of the fear of being viewed as evil if they don’t. I’m sure there are wealthy people who make it known when they donate so they can stop feeling guilty, for they too live in this world that has the phrase of money being evil running around in their subconscious, or perhaps conscious mind. List five wealthy people who have generously donated to large causes. Off the top of my head I think of Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and Bono. I’ll bet if I spent some time on this I could come up with an abundance of names. Can you think of someone who is rich and evil? No one comes to my mind. I’m sure there are some, but quite frankly, I can more easily think of people who aren’t rich that are evil. Build Wealth, Go Play! Contact my CPA firm for consulting. Keep a balance of abundant wealth, huge tax savings, play time and spiritual practice. Attract the life you once only dreamed of. Here are some tips below. Tax tips Individuals*: Take in a foreign exchange student from a less fortunate country: some of your costs are deductible. Bonus: Learn from that student about their home town. You attract abundance to flow by realizing how much abundance you already have compared to the countries of some of the children seeking host families. Business**: C-Corporations can deduct charitable deductions to reduce net profits. Non-C Corporations can deduct only the cost of items donated from business supplies (your cost) or services (wages). Play Suggestion Take a bouquet of balloons to a retirement center, just because. Spiritual Suggestion Clear ‘their’ sidewalks and don’t tell anyone. Be service-minded and move toward your purpose-filled life. Love and service above all else. * Please consult an accountant in your country to verify tax deductions available for hosting a foreign exchange student. ** Please consult an accountant in your country to verify tax charitable donation deductions available for businesses.
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Each of us in this world fits in one mindset or the other. If we focus on the scarce things in life—on what we don’t have— we see think and feel and react in a poverty consciousness mode. If, on the other hand, we notice the abundance in life more, if we concentrate on what we appreciate already having, doing, being, our perspective becomes one of prosperity consciousness.
How to we get to that place? By examining your thoughts around scarcity (scarcity around love, money, time, etc.). Doing this allows you to upgrade to thoughts and feelings of abundance. Sound simple? It is, but you must attend to it regularly, until it becomes automatic, until your new habitual way of thinking is to appreciate the abundance in all areas of your life. Why is this so important? Hundreds of scientific and medical studies support the fact that our thoughts direct our emotions. Our emotions are electro-magnetic-based energy. So the kind of energy we constantly send out of our body magnetizes—or attracts— more of that same kind of energy. Take this example: If I’m thinking, “I can’t afford that,” my body tenses up, my electro-magnetic field alters from my chemical reactions produced by those emotions, and I send out an attraction to “not enough money.” I then magnetize or attract situations that are out of my price range. In other words, the energy you send out matches up with energy like it. These fascinating ideas are the subject of a book I am writing right now. If you’ve ever created a vision board, or heard of picturing what you want in your mind, those are also tools to get your magnetic attractors sending out messages about what you desire. To put it simple, think positive; feel good; focus on what you desire (peace, love, money, time, freedom, opportunity, etc.). The more you focus, feel and imagine those desires, the more power your magnetic energy has to attract those desires to you. Prosperity Consciousness Brings Abundance In All Areas As you focus your thoughts focused on what you want, you will see improvements in all areas of your life. For example, you may be focused on attracting more money by continuously thinking about the money you are grateful for— or the abundance in supplies you already have. When you focus positively on attracting more money, you are bound to feel better in more and more areas of your life. You may notice that you’re inspired to clean out a closet suddenly, or to finish up that nagging project, bake sweets for the neighbors, send someone a thank-you card, pick flowers from your garden, or give your spouse or child an extra kiss. So these positive thoughts in one area almost always lead to positive thoughts and emotions in all other areas of your life. Affirm your way to your desired life. Love yourself enough to do this. What about you? Have you found that focusing on gratitude and abundance, brings more abundance to you? Are you sick of stressing about money? If you know me, you know I have no interest in teaching people to stockpile money. But I am interested in helping people live a life free from worry about money. And when they stop worrying, they open themselves up to empowering thoughts. Positive thoughts. New beliefs that override the fears.
Wealth is freedom It’s more than a secure bank account—much more. Wealth is really freedom. Freedom to decide to do something based on whether you want to do it, not whether you can afford to do it. To choose the doctor or health procedure you want, not just the one with the lowest cost. To choose the relationship you want to be in, instead of being ‘stuck’ with someone because of the financial issues. To spend quality time with your loved ones, not always working so hard you miss out on the special moments you dream of being a part of. Wealth is living a life you love. Is your money self-talk keeping you in poverty mode? Because money permeates almost every area of our lives, when I speak, I start my audience members a self-check on their with current money beliefs. Answer these questions with a simple yes or no is the first step in taking your thoughts from poverty consciousness to prosperity consciousness.:
Try this new game Now try this fun exercise. If you practice it, you’ll be surprised how it starts to come naturally, as you program the new thoughts in your brain. Every time you are challenged by a limiting belief about money, come up with an affirmation that is the direct opposite of that fearful money thought. An example: When you see something you want, your first thought might be, “No, we can’t afford that!” Right away, tell yourself, “I can’t wait to see how we creatively find the way to manifest that item into our lives.” Watch your electro-magnetic thoughts and feelings move you toward creative ways to generate new money into your life. I’ll be sharing more and more steps to lead you toward your empowered, wealthy life in this blog site and at my upcoming speaking events I speak at. Did your parents send you messages about money that made you feel powerless? What were some of them? Did you overcome them and replace them with positive self-talk? We’d love to hear from you in the comments. |
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